Thursday, May 05, 2005

Wealth in America

America is really screwed up, and not only that but we all accept it and move on. We do nothing to change it. America is considered a very wealthy country, the average American receives (notice I did not say “earns”) $350,000 per year. Now I don’t know about you but I don’t know of many people that are that well off. In fact I do not know anyone personally who has that much money. This means that there must be a small amount of people in this country who possess an insanely large amount of the nation’s wealth. This is, in fact, exactly the case. 10% of the population of America possesses 70% of America’s wealth. This is the exact reason that socialism always arises. The separation between the classes in America has become so great that we have almost become two separate peoples. There are the inconceivably wealthy, and everyone else.

We as middle class Americans are completely satisfied with the place we are in. The upper class always wants to get higher, and the lower class does too. The middle class in general is just thankful that it is not any lower than it is. The thing is even if the middle class were to revolt and evenly distribute the wealth about the population, the classes would reappear just as quickly as they went under the surface. There were many things that changed when the human race split off from the rest of the animals. One thing that didn’t change was the individual’s desire to dominate. Even thought we may not think so we all have this desire to some extent. We as humans also expect to receive what we believe we deserve based on our status and/or the work that we do. As such socialism will never work. But something needs to be done. Any ideas, I welcome suggestions.

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